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RM6 range

The hi-reliable Gas Insulated ring main unit for underground secondary distribution applications

What can RM6 do for you?


It is a hi-reliable ring main unit combining all medium voltage functionnal units to enable connection, supply and protection of medium voltage transformers and lines.

It is convenient to open ring or radial networks and to medium voltage switching stations.

RM6 is a complete range that meets the needs of the energy, industry, and building applications.

Evolving with your needs

Compact or extensible, RM6 range covers all your needs.

All functional units are available as single module extensible on both sides. Most compact units are also extensible on both sides.

Therefore you have full flexibility to combine compact and modular units to create the medium voltage Switchboard you need:

- switching MV/MV substation

- radial (double radial with automatic transfer) substation

- private metering

- open ring, sub-ring...

Helping people operate safely

Safety of people is a major commitment of ours. Therefore, RM6 guarantees total safety by providing internal arc withstand, visible earthing contact, hi-reliable mimic diagram and natural interlocking by three-position switchgear.

Ensuring service continuity

Its design provides the RM6 with genuine total insulation, which makes the switchgear completely resistant to harsh environment. Whether it is dust, extreme humidity or temporary soaking, RM6 ensures continuity of service to make your energy always available.


Making installation simple

Thanks to optimised dimensions, RM6 enables a fast installation, floor-mounted by four bolts and fast cable connections on the front.

Your organisation is evolving, you’re putting up a new building: RM6 adapts to your requirements.

RM6’s extensibility on site with no handling of gas or particular floor preparations enables you to upgrade your installation simply and safely.

Monitoring and protecting your network

Ensuring power availability at any time

Because a MV Power Supply interruption is unacceptable especially in critical applications, an automatic system is required for MV source transfer.

For your peace of mind, RM6 enables automatic control and management of power sources in your medium voltage secondary ditribution network with a short transfer time (less than 10 seconds), guaranteeing the hi-reliability of your installation.


Improving your quality of service with our feeder automation solution

The RM6 offer, combined with the Easergy monitoring and control range, will help you reduce outage times. Between the outage occurrence and the moment you re-energise the loop, less than 1 minute might pass.

Take advantage of a step by step and easy implementation of an affordable and global solution for your MV network management, within the frame of your operational budget.


Enhancing your network protection

By choosing Sepam 10, you add communication to protection and you benefit from the hi-reliability of a device that provides:

- very sensitive earth faults indication,

- specific protection (thermal overload: 49RMS),

- load monitoring.




Flair Din

To help you reduce downtimes and improve your productivity, RM6 switchboards integrate self powered fault passage indicators that provide earth fault indication, phase fault indication and load current display.




Easergy L500

Manage your network within a few clicks.

Focus investment on network instrumentation: Preconfigured SCADA, for Easergy devices, basic SCADA with just enough functions to manage Easergy devices data, not more.

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